Stalking Capital F1 LP Fee Structure

Stalking Capital F1 LP fee structure

0% Management fee and 25% of carried interest. 

Managed by Stalking Capital LLC 

The fund manager at Stalking Capital F1 LP Fund has implemented a unique fee structure that aligns the interests of the manager and partners, fostering a strong partnership focused on shared performance goals. Instead of adopting a traditional fee structure, which typically includes a management fee and a performance fee, our fund manager has chosen to forgo the management fee entirely.

The decision to have a 0 fee structure is driven by the belief that it is crucial to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest between the manager and partners. By not charging a management fee, the manager's compensation is directly tied to the fund's performance. This approach ensures that the manager's incentives are closely aligned with those of the partners, as the manager only profits when the fund generates positive returns.

Instead of the management fee, the fund manager charges a carry fee of 25% to the partners. The carry fee, also known as a performance fee or carried interest, is a share of the fund's profits earned by the manager. This fee structure allows the manager to share in the success of the fund while also rewarding the skill in generating exceptional returns.

By implementing this fee structure, the fund manager demonstrates their confidence in their ability to consistently deliver strong performance. It also reinforces the manager's commitment to prioritizing the interests of the partners, as their own financial success is directly tied to the fund's performance.

This fee structure promotes a sense of partnership and collaboration between the manager and partners. It encourages the manager to focus on generating sustainable, long-term returns, as their compensation is directly linked to the fund's overall success. The manager's incentives are fully aligned with the partners' objectives of maximizing returns and growing their investments.

At Stalking Capital LLC, we believe that this fee structure fosters a strong bond between the manager and partners, ensuring a shared commitment to achieving exceptional performance and delivering value to our investors. It reflects our dedication to transparency, trust, and a client-centric approach that sets us apart in the industry.